Friday, February 6, 2009

Potential State Record Sumac

I first noticed this tree two years ago and even considered cutting it down to improve my shooting lane. (I have killed four bucks within 50 yards of this tree.) There were never any leaves on it and I just assumed it was a large alder like the other trees in the area. Then one day I was sitting in a nearby tree and a flock of bluebirds stopped to feed. There were 5 male bluebirds in this tree at one time with others nearby. That is when I finally realized this was one whopper of a sumac (Rhus copallina). Anyway, the county forest ranger in Rowan County came by one day and I got him to measure it. The current record is actually 6 feet taller, but this one has such a large circumference that I think it could become the record. (That is County Forest Ranger David Poole on the right.)


B. Knox said...

That's interesting! Do you have a link to the state records of various trees?

Gardening Guru Goforth said...

Go to this website